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FAQ and questions

Token FAQ

This depends on the type of sensor, its ability to stream data regularly, on the total number of sensors in the network and on the size of the global reward pool, which will change over time. In addition, for outdoor sensors rewards also depend on the stream origination location, the sensor reliability over time and the availability of streams from comparable sensors nearby. Please refer to the token model for details.
If you have an iPhone, the PlanetWatch App does not send data to our network when in background mode. This could have a significant impact on the amount of Planets earned.
Export the wallet created by the PlanetWatch App in the Algorand App or AlgoSigner or MyAlgo. Check our guide for further details.
When we get data streams, we push them to the Algorand Blockchain. At this point your wallet will show transactions with an amount of 0.00 Planets. Then, once a day, at 2 p.m. CET, our payout system sends the matching amount of Planets mined the day before from 00:00 CET to 24:00 CET.
There are no limits to sensors in a wallet. You can own as many sensors as you want.
According to the Token Model, Type 1 and 2 have a maximum number of lead sensors per pixel. Your rewards will be affected only if you become a backup sensor (for further details, please check the Token Model and the White Paper). This rule doesn't apply to Type 3 and 4 sensors.